The problem
Owners and managers are frequently unclear on what the California Alcohol Beverage Control expects, are unfamiliar with research studies on bar shrinkage, and are unaware of the full impact of insurance claims. Too often line staff lacks the knowledge to responsibly serve alcohol.
The solutions
ZAPSS: Zone Alcohol Practices for Servers and Security
ZAPSS trains line staff and supervisors in practices to empower them with the knowledge and tools to responsibly serve alcohol and handle those inebriated. The three-hour workshop is conducted at your business at a time of your choosing.
“Our staff had completed similar courses, but none as beneficial. Besides sharing information to protect our liquor license and customer, ZAPSS offered insightful studies and analysis to reveal how responsible bar practices can improve profitability. I highly recommend the course.”
Frank Alvarez | Radisson Newport Beach Food & Beverage Manager
ZAPMO: Zone Alcohol Practices for Management & Owner
ZAPMO trains decision makers. Using a 50+ page manual, attendees are exposed to information on practices that help protect their operating licenses, make their business more profitable, provide superior customer care, and increase public safety. The three-hour workshop is conducted at your business at a time of your choosing.
“Training was very informative and applicable to our business. It is great to see a program that understands our business and gives us realistic options to combat the issues of responsible beverage service and how they are beneficial to our bottom line. Every new business needs to go through this course.”
Rob Arellano, The Identity Management Group (Sutra, La Vida Cantina, Bassment)
A training record is emailed to the ABC upon successful completion of either course. The ABC can consider documented, qualified RBS training of licensees and employees when determining the penalty for violations.
Completion of such courses can be cause for mitigation of penalties.
Per attendee (minimum of five)
This training is currently available only in Southern California
Per attendee (minimum of four)
This training is currently available in most of Southern California