The problem
Too often, bartenders are not on the same page with management.
Over-poured drinks, free drinks, and using different recipes for the same drink can make a bar unprofitable.
The solution
Our Bartender Workshop demonstrates how wasteful practices behind the bar can make a business unprofitable and result in lower tips. On-site owners are strongly encouraged to attend. The two-hour workshop is conducted at your business at a time of your choosing.
Information is shared on research studies, along with personal experiences on the impact of bar shrinkage. Attendees hear about good alcohol pouring practices and how following these practices:
- Reduce liquor costs
- Increase drink sales
- Increase tips
- Protect the customer
After completing our first bartender workshop, the client’s staff was so affected, they went to lunch as a group, returned to the business and apologized to the owner for past indiscretions. This client went from a 55% over-pour prior to workshop to 0% over-pour after the workshop.
The OPulator™ for this client predicts the client will likely make an additional $9,500 a month in profits with the elimination of over-pouring.
We do not post testimonials for this service. Our typical client makes significantly more profits––primarily by eliminating the over-pouring of alcohol. Protecting our client’s profits includes guarding their public reputation.
Workshop only
Workshop and pre-workshop secret shopper visit to evaluate staff.
The workshop is currently available in Orange County and the city of Long Beach in California.